
Welcome to the Republican Committee of Legislative District 28. We are organized under A.R.S. 16-823 and affiliated with the Arizona Republican Committee and the Maricopa County Committee. Our organization consists of duly elected and appointed Precinct Committeemen. An elected or appointed Precinct Committeemen must be a registered Republican voter living within the District. Precinct Committeemen are elected in accordance with A.R.S.16-821 at the party primary election held before each General Election. Additional Precinct Committeemen may be appointed to fill vacancies left following the election

What is a Precinct?

Precincts are geographical areas established by state law for election purposes. Although voting precincts are the smallest political subdivision in Arizona, they are in many ways the most important. Each precinct in Arizona is entitled to one (1) Precinct Committeeman (PC) from each major political party. An additional committeeman is authorized for every 125.

What is a Precinct Committeeman?

Republican Precinct Committeemen represent the Republican Party to the people. They are the primary contacts between their neighbors, candidates, and elected officials. It is their job to make sure Republicans in their precincts are well informed and prepared to vote. A Precinct Committeemen is the only Republican Party official directly elected by the Republican voters. Precinct Committeemen are elected by voters in their voting precinct every two years during the Primary Election, but may also be appointed by the County Board of Supervisors upon the recommendation of the Chair of the County Republican Committee. 

Why Become a Precinct Committeeman?

Being a Precinct Committeeman means being the most direct contact point for fellow Republicans in your immediate neighborhood. A PC is the key person for information accumulation and dissemination within the Precinct. PCs have a great deal of influence on the activities of our party. For example, only PCs are allowed to participate in the election of our county and state Republican party leaders. Precinct Committeemen are in timately involved in the operation of the party at the county and state level. Numerous opportunities exist to meet party leaders, elected officials, and candidates.

The purpose of LD28 is:

  • To elect Republican candidates at all levels.
  • To promote an informed electorate through political education.
  • To foster loyalty to the Republican Party and to promote its ideals.
  • To increase the effectiveness of Republican workers in the cause of good government through active political participation.
  • To encourage all qualified Republican candidates to run for elective office.